What does SAE stand for?
SAE stands for Supervised Agriculture Experience!
Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) can be described as experiencing life
applications. As a part of the agricultural education program, students are encouraged to invest their time and sometimes
money into a life application activity that aligns with their interests and career goals. These activities are supervised
by the agricultural education instructor. SAEs could include leadership and public speaking, home and/or farmstead improvement
projects,horticulture,gardening, livestock production, team competition, poultry production, specialty crop or animal, on-the-job
training, agriscience research project, or a number of other interesting areas. Students are encouraged to maintain their
SAE while they are enrolled in agricultural education. This will allow them to continually apply the information used in the
classroom to improve their SAE.
2007 SAE's
My SAE for the 2007 year was New Zealand Market Rabbits.
I raised 3 Rabbits, 2 does, who i named Momma and Ornery, and 1 Buck who I named Snuggles. I raised Rabbits for the
Cabell County Fair. Unfortunately, I only got to show one in open class at the fair and that was Snuggles. He
was a big boy. He weighed in at 8.6 pounds. My females didn't make it to the fair. They passed away on June 28,
and July 1,2007. After the fair, Snuggles got to come back home for about 3 days then he went to join Momma and Ornery
in the forever green fields of heaven. I will miss you my little buddy.
Cati & Snuggles |

This is me and my SAE Market Rabbit Buck Snuggles and the small one is Twitch from school |
Snuggles |

This is my Buck Snuggles.... |
@ the Cabell County Fair |

This is Snuggles at the Cabell County Fair. |
Ornery |

This is one of my Does, Ornery... She was kinda shy... |
Momma Bunny |

This is my other Doe Momma Bunny.... She wasn't in the best of moods to take pictures |

"Hammy" is my ham-bacon hog. I didn't have to keep "Hammy" very long. I only got to keep him for about 2
days. One of my SAE's for 2008 is the Ham-Bacon Egg project. This is where kids get to raise or buy hogs for slaughter,
and they get to sell the hams and the bacons. You can also raise eggs too. The hams and bacons are cured in a cooler
with salt. The kids get to take one ham and one bacon, or one dozen eggs to the state show and sale. All money
earned is what the kids get to keep. Last year, I got to attend the ham-bacon-egg sale and one dozen of eggs sold for
$10,000.00. Yea! that's right $10,000.00. Those must have been some
really fresh eggs!!!!!
This SAE carries over to the 2008 year also!!!
Thank-You Judge
Dan O'Hanlin & Bob McClain for buying my Ham at the Cabell County Ham, Bacon & Egg Sale. Thanks for the support.

Thank You Ralph Bassett for buying my 2008 Market
Hog"Petunia" & Thanks to you and your family for donating the Hog Crate, Feeder & Waterer too!!! I really appreciate
it! I will be raising a hog next year for the fair too!!!!
2008 SAE's
My SAE's for 2008 is Non-Income Placement
on my horse Chance . I am also doing a Ham-Bacon Hog for the Cabell County Show and Sale. I also plan to raise
a Fair Hog for the Cabell County Fair. I've got alot planned, and I think I'm going to be a very busy girl with all
my SAE's. I absolutely love working with animals, especially large ones. I've even gotten to the point where mud, manure,
and flies don't bother me. I love spending time outdoors, so I figured ... why waste it, when you could spend it with
your animals... which is exactly what I'll be doing all year, espcecially during the summer. My SAE is going to be a
blast this year. I plan on having alot of fun with it.
Chance & Cati.... Horsecamp 2008 |

Just Take A Chance On Me
Born: March 23,2005
is my Tennessee Walking Horse Gelding"Just Take A Chance On Me" or Chance for short. I have raised him since he
was a colt. I have also done most of his training. He will do anything that I ask of him. I ♥ him to
death & I wouldn't trade him for the world! He is my partner and my best friend. He loves me for who I am, and he never
judges me. I will be showing Chance in the local shows during the 2011 year.I have big hopes ,dreams and plans for

"Hammy" is my ham-bacon hog. I didn't have to keep "Hammy" very long. I only got to keep him for about 2
days. One of my SAE's for 2008 is the Ham-Bacon Egg project. This is where kids get to raise or buy hogs for slaughter,
and they get to sell the hams and the bacons. You can also raise eggs too. The hams and bacons are cured in a cooler
with salt. The kids get to take one ham and one bacon, or one dozen eggs to the state show and sale. All money
earned is what the kids get to keep. Last year, I got to attend the ham-bacon-egg sale and one dozen of eggs sold for
$10,000.00. Yea! that's right $10,000.00. Those must have been some
really fresh eggs!!!!! I SOLD 1 HAM FOR $725.00
2009 SAE's
Junior.. Jr.

Junior is a Yorkshire Cross. I will be raising him for the
Cabell County Fair 2009. I do have to say.. Jr. is definitely a lot more rowdier than what Petunia was. He has
already managed to tear up my feeder , as well as the underground wire that I had in my pig pen. He loves to run though.
I even think Jr. and Chance have become good friends. I let Jr. out to run the other day, and I looked down through the yard
and I saw Jr. rubbing his butt up against Chance's leg.. I was like OH! Wow!... I Never figured that would've ever happen.
I took Jr. and weighed him in and at his first weigh in he weighed 115 pounds. His ear tag is Orange 15. He's ornery...
that's for sure.. I can't wait to see what the fair will be like.... I have a feeling it will be a little crazy....

Thank You Mr. Kim Jackson of
Kim's Greenhouse for purchasing my 2009 Market Hog Jr. I would also like to thank you for your continuous support for the
Lincoln County FFA chapter.
2010 SAE's

Meet Tootie!... Tootie is a
Hamp Cross. I purchased her from my Uncle Ted. Moving Tootie and her brother Rootey was easy.. We just walked them across
the horse pasture, down the creek and into the pen. Tootie was the most destructive pig I've had.. Yes even worse than JR....
She managed to tear down a half wall in her stall that separated her form the feed storage area, as well as break the stall
door in half. When it came to showing though.. She was perfect!.. She wasn't happy unless she was touching me.. literally!..
I'd take a step and bump into her. She walked around the show ring like she was born to do it.. She wasn't even interested
in fighting with the other pigs.. she was more interested in sniffing them!... She had a playful personality!.. She was always
getting into something.. everyday when I would go up to her stall, it was like a treasure hunt because she had dug up something
different every day!.. Oh and she loved to climb.. She feared no hillside! Her ear tag was Yellow 7. She weighed in @ the
fair @ 250 pounds. I was amazed that she wasn't heavier than that as much as she liked to eat!

I would like to THANK Kim Jackson of Kim's
Greenhouse for Purchasing Tootie, my 2010 market hog @ the Cabell County Fair.
2011 SAE'S
Meet Sneezy! Sneezy is a
Berkshire/ Poland China cross. He weighed in at the fair @ 140 pounds. He was my lightest pig I had ever taken to the fair.
He was a sweet heart though. We took naps together in the pig pen (it was clean) at the fair. ........