Jake is my big baby. Jake was a drop off. My friend Tabytha rescued him and his litter mates from almost dying.
There were 10 of these little guys in a plastic milk crate beside the rail-road tracks. Well Tab being the good natured
person she is brought them home and put them in her garage. The next day my mom took me & her & the puppies
down to the pound. The pound wouldn't take them. So we actually ended up "Peddling Puppies" in front of my aunt's
Family Dollar store. We got rid of all of them except Jake.My aunt got one of Jake's litter mates and took him home
with her. I kept Jake and he is now big, fat and healthy. He loves me very much. I have taught him how to
sit, shake, and play fetch. He's a big baby and thinks he is as small as Tinker.....Jake is a Lab X... He's a brown
lab with 2 white feet,a white spot on the tip of his tail, and a white spot on his chest and back of his head. The cutest
thing about Jake is that he has 2 spots on his nose that are pink.... even though his nose was almost completely pink when
he was a puppy.
IF YOU SEE HIM PLEASE CALL MY MOM @ 304-824-2256 OR 304-617-1844.
Tinker joined us very shortly after jake did.. like less than a week. Tinker is supposed to
be "Dad's Dog" but he's mine. He sleeps with me and everything else. Tinker is a very hyper dog, but I guess its
because he's still a pup. Tinker & Jake are the same age.... Tinker loves to chase Gus around the house, and aggravate
Toby, at least Toby will play with him. Tinker was a gift from my Dad's mom's friend. He is extremely ornery and
loves to chew on anything he can get his sharp little teeth on. He's already chewed half my room up...LOL.. I think
he's working on the living room now.