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Cowgirl C8

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Cowgirls Don't Cry.......... They Get Even!!!

Howdy, I'm Cati & this is my page.  My first love and true passion is my horses. Believe it or not, when I was a toddler, I used to be petrified of horses.  I remember when I was little that I would stand by the gate to the horse pasture and just watch my aunt and uncles' horses for hours, but when one would come close enough to me, I'd hightail it out of there.  Now look at me. Today, I'm not one bit afraid to go into the pasture, and just sit in the midst of all the horses on our farm. I had always loved horses, but I never knew how much until I joined the Lincoln County FFA. Being in the FFA allowed me to expand my love of horses, which is exaclty what I did.  I do have a horse of my own. His name is Just Take A Chance On Me, or "CHANCE" for short.  I have raised him since he plopped on the ground.  We are best friends and partners for life.  I can ask anything of Chance and he will do it for me, because we have that unbreakable bond of love, trust, and friendship.  The first time I showed Chance was on Sept. 26,2008.  We both did awesome. We took second in our class, but I've been told that we would've  taken first, if my stirrup hadn't broken.  I plan to do some more showing with Chance in the years to come, so keep an eye out for us in the show ring.  I'm proud to say that I love the country life, and that mud, manure, & flies don't bother me.  I have a heart of gold and would give you the shirt off my back if you needed it. I'm not afraid to get in and get my hands... or my clothes dirty.  I live by the words "Cowgirl Up!" I plan to become a veterinarian, specializing in horses. I also plan to own/operate and run my own riding stable. If I didn't have horses in my life, I would feel empty. Horses fill my life, with joy, compassion, hope, and peace. I do believe the saying that the outside of a horse is good for the inside of a (wo)man. 




My Tatoo I will have eventually!

"Cowgirl up" is an expression that means to rise to the occasion, not to give up, and to do it all without whining or complaining!!!!!
"Courage is being scared to death - and saddling up anyway." - John Wayne
"Good horse management requires knowledge in many areas.  The TRUE equestrian strives for understanding in all aspects of horse care."

The daughter who won't lift a finger in the house is the same child who cycles madly off in the pouring rain to spend all morning mucking out a stable.  ~Samantha Armstrong

The Lowdown On Cati:
My name is Cati Christian. I love farming. I was born into it on my mom and dad's sides of my family.  I'm an FFA alumni of Lincoln Coutny FFA.  I attended Ohio University-Southern Campus in Sept. 2008-Mar. 2010 .I then attended Potomac State College of WVU from Aug. 2010-May 2012. I will graduate in May with an Associate's in General Studies. I plan to continue my education by attending Carver Career Center/Bridgemont Community & Technical College in fall of 2012.  I'M TAKEN BY THE MOST AMAZING GUY IN THE WORLD. I'M TAKEN BY SPENCER WILLIAMS. I have big  hopes & dreams for Chance for the future. I have an extremely large amount of DETERMINATION, and I don't give up easily. My mom is the complete opposite of me. She is PETRIFIED of horses and won't come within 25 feet of one and is from a farming background, but my mom backs me with  100% support in anything that I do and is always there to cheer me on now matter how much she is afraid. My dad on the other hand is like me and dives right in and is always willing to lend a helping hand.. or his truck when ever I need it with out any complaints. My boyfriend Spencer, is always there for me when I need to talk, or just need a hug, & he's always there to help me out when I get myself into too much and way over my head. I ♥ him to death and would do anything for him because I know he would do the same for me without hesitating.   I love the country life, and you definitely WON'T find me living in the city. I need the wide open spaces, my horse and my dogs Mud, manure & flies don't bother me.  I'm not afraid to get in and get dirty.  I can handle just about anything.  You won't see me cry infront of you, and you definitely DON'T want to get on my bad side or make me mad....